
Report a disappearance
+ 48 22 654 70 70

In case of a missing child
116 000

Help! Looking for people

KRS 0000126459  
Missing People Database About us

Proceed to missing and NN

Have you seen someone missing?

Missing people

Help us find them – search through our database, print out a poster and contact us if you possess any information regarding missing people. Perhaps you have walked past a missing person or seen one in a bus, the tube or a zebra crossing.

It is important to remain cautious, even outside Poland. Our database consists of images and information about people that have been declared missing to appropriate services and ITAKA foundation, both in Poland and abroad.

See Missing People Database

Do you recognise any of them?

NN People

(Unknown Identity)

ITAKA is also dedicated to help those who lost their identity due to unforeseen incidents – e.g. an accident or disease. Go through our database and look for familiar faces. If you recognise your former neighbour, a family member or a friend – contact us. There might be people looking for that person.

Identify an NN person

Support ITAKA's cause

“For the support I received from ITAKA foundation during the search for my sister Jolanta, I am deeply thankful. It would be impossible to carry out such an instant searching operation across all Poland alone. ITAKA foundation is run by a group of professionals, who, through deduction and dedication accomplished this goal.”

Thank you!
Aleksandra Jędrychowska-DeMovic

„My family and I would like to express honest thanks for the help we received. With ITAKA’s service my son got found. We would like to especially underline the professionalism and kindness, the understanding and empathy we were offered. Thank you for rising hope, staying in touch, informing us and coordinating the process.”

Mirosława and family

„After my son Paweł got found, I was calmly going through various websites and realised the enormity of work and commitment that ITAKA foundation has shown when searching for my son. I will keep the web addresses, so I can show them to my son once he arrives at home. I am greatly impressed by the speed and range of ITAKA’s action.”

„I am sending words of gratitude from the depth of my heart towards the employees and volunteers of ITAKA foundation in regards to the search for my lost wife, Zofia Moeshke, and for the support in moments of hardship.”

Sincere thanks,
Bogdan Moeshke

People we found
Registered cases – dissapearings, parental kidnappings and advice
Number of families receiving Foundation’s help (annually)